New pictures of the upcoming Hobbit mvoie are available:
(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Here below a few pictures from the set of the Hobbit, the upcoming fantasy adventure movie directed by Peter Jackson and based J.R.R. Tolkien's novel:
(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)And here's a picture of Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) and the 13 Dwarves (not in costume though):

The 13 dwarves:
- Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of the Dwarves
- Aidan Turner and Rob Kazinsky as Kili and Fili, nephews of Thorin
- Graham McTavish as Dwalin, a dwarf from the blue mountain
- James Nesbitt as Bofur
- Stephen Hunter as Bombur, a foolish, overindulgent dwarf
- Mark Hadlow as Dori, strongest of the Dwarves
- Peter Hambleton as Gloin, the father of Gimli
- John Callen as Oin, the brother of Gloin
- Ken Stott as Lord Balin
- Adam Brown as Ori
- John Callen as Oin
- Jed Brophy as Nori
- William Kircher is the dwarf Bifur
The cast of the Hobbit movie also includes Elijah Wood, Cate Blanchett, Sylvester McCoy, Saoirse Ronan, and Ian McKellan.